(I have just decided to title my posts from random things I've said around this time)
So, I went to the Botanic Garden with my Doctor Who obsessed friend Melody, and we talked on things strange and mysterious, and listened to the Nyan Cat song, which I will not link to here for your continued sanity. But the conversation turned, as it always does, to Tsubasa, and the similarities between Fai and the Doctor, which led to this exchange:
ME: You know, they're both really emo.
MELODY: Yes! They totally are!
When you end up talking about how emo the Doctor is, you feel both happy and sad. Speaking of Tsubasa, I feel people should always type manga in odd fonts, because of this almost typo-
In Volume 4, Kiishim says "You have made yourself comfortable, shutting yourself inside my castle, have you not?"
Since it's all in a strange font and all caps, here's what I see:
"You have made yourself comfortable, shitting yourself inside my castle, have you not?"
This is the best misreading in the universe.
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