Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Midsummer Night's Nightmare

Hello, and welcome to Fictional Shakespeare, where fictional characters act out great works of literature. Today, we are doing A Midsummer Night's Dream. Emily the Strange will be Titania, Kurogane will be Oberon, and Tomoyo and Yukito will be directing.
Kurogane: Do we need to do this?
Tomoyo: Yes, or else I will be very angry at you.
Kurogane: Um...
Emily: Ick. This is why I dislike humans.
Kurogane: What's she here for?
Emily: Aren't we supposed to start speaking our lines?
Kurogane: Fine. Well met by moonight, proud Titania-What the hell is this? It's totally gay.
Yukito: So...all ninjas are homophobic.
Kurogane:  Wha? How many ninjas have you met?
Yukito: Naruto's homophobic.
Emily: Can't argue with that.
Tomoyo: Ninjas are very homophobic...
Kurogane: Don't judge ninjas based on Naruto! He's a damn brat!
Tomoyo: Yes, he has no appreciation for fashion.
Yukito: Aren't we supposed to be acting?
Kurogane: Shut up! You're such a pain!
Tomoyo: I noticed you have not denied the accusations of homophobia.
Kurogane: And?
Tomoyo: You wouldn't just be holding back on the homophobia because you have a crush on me, would you?
Kurogane runs away.
Tomoyo: Ho ho ho.
Emily: You have a messed up laugh.
Yukito: I think Kurogane is homophobic.
Tomoyo: I don't, I just enjoy making him run away.
Yukito: You are a terrible human being.
Tomoyo: Yes, I enjoy being one.
Emily: So do I.

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