SO sorry for not posting. I can't find a way to apologize, so here's a dream I had a while ago!
Before I tell my dream, I should give you a little background: I am NEVER in my dreams. Computer game avatars of myself? YES. The Doctor?YES,OFTEN. Fai D. Flowright? YES, ONCE. Me? NEVER.
In the dream, the Doctor was talking to a Roman. The Roman was an alien who needed the Doctor to send a shipment of cylinders to his home world. The Doctor said yes. As the Doctor neared the planet, a nearby black hole exploded. The Doctor kept trying to see whether any life was on the planet, but whenever he got near, he couldn't breathe, but Amy and Rory still could. Then a giant crack opened in the universe and he could. HEY WHOA I JUST DREAMED UP THE PLOT OF A DOCTOR WHO EPISODE! Bet we'll see this in Season 7.
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